TESTIMONIALS Hilary Langford

Unsolicited Feedback.
What our clients have to say about us…


“Your particular strength is that you don’t use boiler plate approaches, i.e. try to make your client fit into rote approaches. The recent activity with this division was a good case where adaptability was needed … you produced excellent results. It was the best organized activity at this senior level with which I have been involved.”
Pro-Vice-Chancellor, Qld University of Technology

“Hilary connects with people and gains their trust and is able to get people to work through extremely difficult and confronting issues. She has the flexibility to structure workshops to tackle the issues I am seeking to address.”
Director, Corporate Management, a NSW State Department

“Well balanced facilitation, personable, friendly, forthright, knowledgeable and great examples”
Divisional Director

“Getting involvement and engagement in a non-threatening way – creating a “safe” environment… I was very happy with the outcomes.”
Chief Financial Officer

“Dealt with issues that could have been contentious in a sensitive and non-threatening way. Would not let any matters that needed to be dealt with be ignored or avoided. The results are constructive and workable.”
Director, a Taxation Organization

“Incredibly perceptive, confronting in the nicest possible way, flexible and adaptive, truly professional … my experience with you has been nothing but positive!”
Manager, a Performance Management Unit

“The feedback after your visit here continues to be very positive indeed … it takes rare skill to work so successfully in both a small-group intensive format, and then a large group presentation. People really enjoyed working with you and we will benefit from your expertise and energy…. I will be happy to tell NZ colleagues of the quality of your work with us.”
CEO, in a Tertiary Education Institution, New Zealand

“I am just writing to let you know that I have just been promoted to Professor. Your leadership strategies have been a great help over the past year to me, and surely assisted with my promotion. I am the first woman professor ever in ……., which is a landmark.”
Professor, in University of Technology, Sydney

“Your down-to-earth style of presentation, breadth of knowledge, real and interesting examples, original ideas and great material.”
Personnel Manager & Training Coordinator

“I used your paper and the work we had done at the workshop, to develop the strategies for staff meetings and working individually with staff. I found it all extremely helpful. While this has been a difficult process, the seminar I attended was extremely helpful in assisting me to manage this far better than had I not learned what I had. So my sincere thanks!”
Administration Manager, in an Australian Union

“A very light touch on fairly heavy underlying material. Humour. Understanding the context thoroughly. We continue to be impressed and very satisfied.”
Principal, a Private Residential College

“As a follow up to the programs you conducted for staff, I thought I would send the results of the Staff Opinion Survey. The results show significant improvement when compared to the identical survey conducted last year. Much of the improvement can be credited to the work you so ably designed and facilitated. The emphasis on creating a teamwork approach, implementing a Team Agreement, and developing the skills and abilities of managers and supervisors has gone a long way to making our staff a much more satisfied group of employees.”
Executive Director, in an Australian Superannuation Organization

“You will be pleased to hear that, three weeks on, I am still feeling just delighted. I was a sceptic at the outset, but the work we did has been the basis of an ongoing sense of teamwork and development in our unit. I appreciated your perceptiveness in assessing what we needed … One difference I noted between your technique and other seminars is that you keep the pace going: short and effective. You felt like a friend at the end of the workshop.”
Manager, a Private Sector Work Team

“Thank-you for the outstanding contribution you made to our retreat…”
Vice-Chancellor, a Queensland University

“I would like to thank you once again for the part you played in making it successful. I have received a lot of positive feedback on how much people got from it, and also on the way you facilitated the proceedings.”
Area Manager, a Commonwealth Government Department

“Please accept our warmest thanks and congratulations for the admirable way in which you conducted our management seminar. We were so taken by your perceptiveness and tact in managing the discussion.”
Professor, an Agriculture Department

“Thank-you so much … you were just fantastic. You presented the best workshop I have ever experienced. I came away with so much more. By drawing on your life experiences you made it all so real.”
Team Member

“Your workshop was ‘heaven on a stick’ for me!”
Senior Manager, Private Sector

Oliver & Langford